About United Methodism
United Methodism is the second-largest Protestant denomination in the United States of America with over 8 million members. There are another 1.5 million Methodists in 165 countries around the world.
United Methodists come in all sizes, shapes, colors, dispositions, outlooks, and life experiences, but they share a unique outlook forged in the shared experience of a church. No matter how or where they serve Jesus Christ around the world, United Methodists do God's work in a unique connectional covenant.
This "connectionalism" bears a striking resemblance to the United State's government of the people, by the people. Our General Conference is the legislative branch. Our Council of Bishops functions as the executive branch. Our Judicial Council interprets the United Methodist Book of Discipline in the same manner that the Supreme Court rules on U.S. laws. The Book of Discipline is subject to revision every four years by our General Conference.
We are, by design, a self-governing people dedicated to a life of purpose, a life of participation and personal responsibility, of generosity, sacrifice, and self-restraint, responding to the call of Jesus Christ.
We are a covenant community, concerned about God's children everywhere, embracing different cultures and ethnic traditions. In life's clouds of doubt and division, we see the sunlight of God's purpose that brings healing, hope, and harmony.
We welcome people who are searching for answers to life's tough questions because we know what it is like to feel alone and unsure, to need a welcoming place with open hearts, open minds, and open doors.
We live the promise we made the day we joined The United Methodist Church, the promise of our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.

Methodism FAQ
John and Charles Wesley and a few other young men attending Oxford University met regularly in the 1720s to improve themselves intellectually and spiritually and to help others become better Christians. So systematic were their habits of religious duty and their rules of personal conduct that other students began to refer to them as "Methodists."
United Methodist Links
umc.org - Information about United Methodism on the national level
michiganumc.org/Information about United Methodism on the state level
umcjustice.org - General Board of Church and Society (social principles)
umcdiscipleship.org - General Board of Discipleship (resources for education and evangelism)
umcmission.org - General Board of Global Ministries (mission activity throughout the world)
More FAQs to learn more about being a United Methodist.