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Programs, Services for Adults

Check out our adult ministry and fellowship groups below! Some groups take a hiatus during the summer months.

Please contact the church office at 248-476-8860 for more information about the ministries/groups listed.

Stitches of Love

WELCOME all Nardin Parker’s and interested family, neighbors, and friends! We will be meeting in the Multi-Purpose Room from 9:30-11:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month unless it is a holiday week. Bring your knitting, crocheting, fabric, needlework, + other projects, and join us for a fun time. Meets September - June. Contact Dorothy M or Laura O with questions.

Men’s Group Study

An informal study for men of all ages, using books and video series. Meets on Saturdays, 8:30-10:00 am via Zoom. If you have any questions, you can contact Mike M.

Nardineer Artisans - Bread Making Group

Meets at 8 am on the Saturday before Communion Sunday (the first Sunday of the month) to prepare fresh bread and treats while sharing recipes. Cupcakes, muffins, and extra treats will be made for our Youth Ministries to sell after both services the following day, with proceeds going to their mission trip. Please email Gianna L for more information.

Women’s Study Group

The study group meets every other Tuesday at 10:00 in the Conference Room. A variety of media are studied via books, videos, etc. Questions? Contact Arlene M.

Evening Star

Evening Star Circle is a multi-generational group of Nardin Park women that meet monthly to exchange ideas, enjoy one another’s company, share a program and light desserts, and support the United Methodist Women. We are always open to visitors and new members and encourage you to come and join us for a meeting.

We meet on the 4th Monday of the month at 7 pm. Regular meetings are held every month except July and August. In lieu of December’s meeting, we attend the United Methodist Women’s program; in January we have an evening out to dinner; and in June we do a picnic potluck.

We look forward to seeing you! Contact Sue G or Dorothy M for more information.


Filmgoers is a group that watches pre-selected, contemporary movies at their own convenience, and then come together for a discussion of issues raised by the film(s). We ordinarily meet on the fourth Sunday evening of each month beginning at 7:00pm.

Traditionally, our first meeting of the new program year (in September) is one in which we meet for a potluck dinner, and then watch a film together here at the church and discuss it briefly following. Meetings stop for the summer in June. Everyone is welcome! Contact Dorothy M for more information.