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Stitches of Love
2nd & 4th Wed, 9:30-11 am at Church/ Zoom
WELCOME all Nardin Parker’s and interested family, neighbors, and friends! Stitches of Love meets in the Multi-Purpose Room from 9:30-11:00 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month unless it is a holiday week. Bring your knitting, crocheting, fabric, needlework, + other projects, and join us for a fun time. Meets September - June.
Contact: Laura Olson or Dorothy Moore
Tuesday Women’s Study Group
Tuesdays, 10 am at church
Join other women for spirited discussions of spiritual topics, current events, books, and more as selected by the group.
Contact: Arlene Marks
Nardineer Artisans - Bread Making Group
Saturday before the first Sunday of the Month, 8 AM
Nardin Park’s Bread Making Group meets on Saturday before Communion Sunday (the first Sunday of the month) and prepares fresh bread and treats while sharing recipes. Cupcakes, muffins, and extra treats will be made for our Youth Ministries to sell after both services the following day, with proceeds going to their mission trip.
Contact: Gianna Lampertius
Saturday Morning Men’s Book Group
Saturdays, 10:00 – 11:30 am at church
This group is for men who enjoy reading and discussing challenging and thought-provoking books, bringing their own perspectives and experiences for lively and respectful discussion. Members share in leading discussions.
Contact: Mike Marks
2nd Wednesday of the month at 1 PM at the Blue Hat Coffeehouse on Grand River in Farmington.
Filmgoers is a group that watches pre-selected, contemporary movies at their own convenience, and then come together for a discussion of issues raised by the film(s). We ordinarily meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 PM at the Blue Hat Coffee Shop in downtown Farmington. Everyone is welcome!
Contact Dorothy Moore.
Evening Star
4th Monday, noon at church
Evening Star Circle is a multi-generational group of Nardin Park women that meet monthly to exchange ideas, enjoy one another’s company, share a program and light desserts, and support the United Methodist Women. We are always open to visitors and new members and encourage you to come and join us for a meeting.
We meet on the 4th Monday of the month at 12 noon. Regular meetings are held every month except July and August. Please check the church calendar for details. We look forward to seeing you!
Contact: Sue Genschoreck or Dorothy Moore
Stephen Ministry
Regular monthly meetings after training is completed
Stephen Ministers provide confidential one-to-one caring ministry for others who are in need of someone to walk with them through a difficult time. Becoming a Stephen Minister requires 50 hours of training after completing an application and interview. Time commitment is up to eight hours per month, giving to others and feeling the reward of serving. For men and women.
Contact Stephen Leader: Dorothy Moore
If you would like to join a group or have an idea for a new group, please contact the church office.