Leadership Board Minutes
Our Mission: Journey with Jesus Tag Line: #ShowLove #DoGood
Mission Statement: Journeying with Jesus by growing, serving and connecting with God and our Community
Our Vision 2018-2020 Align our ministries to the mission, streamline our structure, upgrade our facilities for guests and members, become a more externally focused church, launch new worship service by 2020, make disciples for Jesus through leadership development and service, establish an intentional discipleship path, launch small disciple groups
Core Values: Inclusivity, Relevance, Passionate worship and music, Generosity, Growth and Connections
Measures: Individual: Worship plus two Congregation: By 2020 we will have- Launched at least 15 new small groups of 10-12 people, launched a new worship service with at least 20 news guest and AWA of 75, developed at least 2-3 new outreach ministries where we can serve our community, Increased the AWA of entire church by 25 people (10%) Increased the number of people in the worship plus 2 by 40.
The Leadership Board will meet monthly and minutes will be included in the following church eblast and posted on the website. For anyone who needs to bring ideas or information to the meeting, please submit a request 7 days prior to the actual meeting date. Please refer to the church calendar for meeting dates and times as they may vary.
If you have questions, please contact Pastor Carter at cgrimmett@npumc.org or contact the Leadership Board Chair at chair@npumc.org.