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Beyond our strong ministries of Worship, Education, Music, and Youth Programs are many other ministries to reach out to people of the church and community. And we are always open to starting new ministries. What would you like to start at Nardin Park Church?
Read about our pastoral care, worship recordings, Stephen Ministry and Prayer Groups that provide for the personal needs of our constituents.
- Our Welcoming Ministries assure that each person new to Nardin Park can learn what we are all about and help them become active participants in the life of the church.
- Through our Missions and Community Outreach programs, we do our best to spread the God’s grace to others.
- Our Church and Society Ministry works to bring social concerns to the congregation and encourage “responsible social action” on the part of our members.
Congregational Care
This group of trained lay care givers works with the pastors, visiting people in hospitals and care facilities, as well as those recuperating or home bound for any reason. Pastoral counseling is also available through the Samaritan Counseling Center of Michigan, who we support as part of our Community Outreach programs.
Worship Recordings
Worship is recorded each Sunday on DVD. They are available to anyone who wishes to have them. Fill out a request card at the Welcome Center, in the office or by phone during office hours; and the recording will be duplicated for you to pick up at a later time. They are also available regularly to homebound people in our local area, delivered by a friend in the church who will bring a new one and pick up an old one each week at no cost. Donations toward the costs of this service help to underwrite this ministry.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are laity of the congregation who receive training and supervision in order to assist pastors in providing pastoral care. They meet regularly with those to whom they are assigned, extending Christian friendship through listening, providing emotional support, and helping through whatever difficulties may be faced. They are especially helpful in any upsetting and stressful time, whether illness, grief, divorce, emotional crisis, personal transition, or the like. There is no cost for their services, whether for a brief or extended time. Request the help of a Stephen Minister through any pastor. They would also be glad to know of your interest in becoming a Stephen Minister, as training classes are held periodically.
Internet Ministries
Our Internet Ministries group maintains this web site, and oversees the operation of our computer network. If you have interests or skills in these areas, they can always use some extra hands. Let them know how you can help.