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Worship with us!
Worship in person or online with us on Sundays!
9 AM service will feature our praise band, Hundredfold.
11 AM service includes organ music and pulpit preaching.
Both services are available for viewing on our YouTube Channel!

Sunday Worship Services
A band-led service at 9:00 am
A Traditional service at 11:00 am
Our 9 am service is band-led and a truly “come as you are” experience. Filled with modern music, opportunities to engage in worship in new ways, and a casual feel, this service is geared toward those who prefer to step out of the traditional format of the church to strengthen their relationship with God.
Our 11 am service is our Traditional worship, grounded in familiar hymns and a more structured rhythm, this service holds the roots of traditional worship for those seeking connection with God in an established church format.
Both services offer opportunities for connection with others through praise, prayer, and an invitation to ponder how a life of faith can change the way we live.
The sacrament of communion is usually offered on the first and third Sunday of every month.
Have kids?
Sunday school for children in Pre-K through 5th grade is provided at 9 AM service. Children in this age group begin in worship first, are dismissed after the offering, and then walk together to fellowship. Their faith will be stretched and grow in our one classroom setting!
Youth Sunday School is for teens in 6th to 12th grade and offered at 11 AM. Teens are dismissed as a group after the offering and will walk to Park Place.
Missed a service?
Recordings of sermons are available on our YouTube Channel!
Hearing loops are also available.
Need a ride?
Do you need transportation to get to Sunday worship? Please contact the church office at 248-476-8860 during weekday office hours to add your name, address, and phone number to the list. Our volunteer drivers will be contacting all riders each week to confirm the pick-up times for each location.
Be a part of Worship!
We encourage all who feel called to be active participants in our Sunday services. There are a variety of ways to do this from joining our usher team, and hospitality team, reading scripture and leading prayer, or joining one of our choirs to enhance our music during worship.
If you want to help connect with others on Sunday mornings in one (or more!) of these ways, please reach out to our office to inquire and to be added to our volunteer database.