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Holy Communion

Whether it is called Holy Communion, the Eucharist, or the Last Supper, this sacrament reminds us of God's love for us and for all of creation. Receiving communion allows us to claim God's grace in our lives and challenges us to live a life of grace in service to others.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is open to all people, regardless of church membership or affiliation. Under the guidance of their parents, children are welcome to participate. Our pastors offer the elements of the bread and the cup but are frequently assisted in serving by the laity of the church.

In the desire to make the Lord's Table open to everyone, including those who suffer from alcohol abuse, we use unfermented grape juice, rather than wine.

Communion is usually served on the first Sunday of every month. Communion is also served on special worship occasions, such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Eve.

Whether it is called Holy Communion, the Eucharist, or the Last Supper, this sacrament reminds us of God's love for us and all of creation. Receiving communion allows us to claim God's grace in our lives and challenges us to live a life of grace in service to others.


Baptism symbolizes our recognition of God's acceptance and love for us, as well as our entrance into the family of faith. Because it is God who takes the initiative to love us, even before we can think or learn, then we are able to baptize infants. It is the parent(s) of the child who speaks on behalf of the children, pledging themselves to help nurture and teach the child about the faith into which they were baptized.

As a child is placed in God's love through baptism, she or he is also received into God's family as a baptized member of the church. As a part of God's family, the child is supported and nurtured by the church.

The family of the child is the primary source for nurturing the child within the faith. Extended families are encouraged to be present for baptism. Sponsors are welcome but are not required for baptism.

When the child becomes a teenager, they are old enough to become responsible for their own faith. They decide whether or not to confirm the statements made to them by their parents. The church offers a "Confirmation Class" each year, to help youth make this important faith decision for their lives.

Baptism is also available for adults who have never been baptized into the faith. If a person has been baptized in another church setting, we recognize the validity of their faith action and do not require a second baptism for entrance into the United Methodist family of faith.

Requests for baptisms are made through the pastors. Baptisms are scheduled with a sensitivity to the family situation and the church worship emphasis for any given Sunday. A pastor will need to meet with the family before the baptism to discuss the meaning of the sacrament.