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Mission/Ministry Selections

1. Neighbor In the Hood

Neighbor In the Hood: Choose yards, parks and public spaces that are in need of yard work and/or cleaning which can be occupied or abandoned.

2. Personal Buddy

Personal Buddy: Visit hospitals/rehabilitation centers as a personal friend to read to residents the Bible, personal letters, magazines and conclude in prayer.

Members: Karen R., Lou R., Lydia M.

3. The Canteen Team

The Canteen Team: Offer free bottles of water at parks or other public areas (seasonal but can be year-round).

4. Community Green

Community Green: Planting trees, or other greenery in community. Trees from national or state departments of forestry, interior, or other environmental agencies.

5. First Kid Wheels

First Kid Wheels: This group will aid and solicit neighborhood businesses, groups, and individuals in our community to support an annual bicycle give-away. They can sponsor a bike(s) by paying for a bike. We will assemble and distribute to children who are first time, two-wheel riders. Coordinating with our community school(s) and/or social service agency. Businesses, individuals, and supporters will be given letters for their tax deductible donations and the opportunity to share in the bicycle celebration.

Members: Diane B., Keith J., Lizabeth N., Janet N., Pat L., Jeff G.

6. Kitchen if U Can

Kitchen if U Can: You will work together as volunteers at different food or soup kitchens a minimum of once per month.

7. Two Hour Crew

Two Hour Crew: This group will volunteer time to families, allowing care givers respite care so they can care for themselves.

8. Circuit Rider Bible Study

Circuit Rider Bible Study: Establish a neighborhood bible study (NOT A BOOK STUDY) in a home or public location. The bible study will rotate from home to home, with each host inviting their neighbors and friends to share in a bible study class. The purpose is to encourage nonmembers to host or attend a bible study session.

9. Cover Thy Neighbors

Cover Thy Neighbors: Setting collection goals for a yearlong blanket drive. Soliciting blankets and/or monetary donations from individuals, organizations, and friends outside of the church to cover the homeless, as well as provide blankets for organizations like the Cass Community Social Services, the Red Cross, shelters, and others. This ministry could provide an opportunity to engage in street distribution of blankets, inviting community donors to share in the experience if desired.

10. Operation Cover-Up

Operation Cover-Up: Collect hats and gloves ending with donation and/or street distribution.

Member: Corinne D

11. “Sucker for Christ”

“Sucker for Christ”: Candy suckers given away to strangers on the street with church address and bible verses attached.

12. Hands and Feet

Hands and Feet: Do shopping or general light cleaning for the homebound or physically restricted persons.

13. The Mail Room

The Mail Room: Mail random hand written prayers from Nardin Park UMC to strangers; three prayers minimum every month per group member. However, we know we can do more.

Members: Nancy G., Chris L., Lisa S.

14. Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry: Conduct bible study for males/females incarcerated in city or country facilities. This ministry requires special preparation and training and is quite rewarding. 

Members: Minister Dale, Sherrie C., Greg H.

15. Have and Hold

Have and Hold: Volunteer to hold babies in local hospitals for mothers, and in other situations, as hospital may direct.

16. Stiches of Love

Stitches of Love: Knit, sew, or crochet prayer shawls, lap blankets, and more for persons in need. Beginners welcome.

Members: Sherrie C., Dorothy M., Amy D., Rachel L., Ashley C., Sue W.

17. P.A.C.K. Pastor’s Army of Christian Kindness

P.A.C.K. Pastor’s Army of Christian Kindness: This ministry requires an extreme blind faith commitment. This mission commitment requires acceptance before you know what you will be doing. You do not need any special abilities, but you must be in reasonably good health, able to walk moderate distances, and not afraid to interact with people in different or unusual settings or locations. It is highly recommended that participants of this mission activity be secure in their abilities to share radical hospitality.

Members: Pastor Carter, Minister Dale, Kathryn B., John G., Mike M., Ginny R., Barb M.

18. Cass Community Social Services

Cass Community Social Services: Participate in different needs and ministry opportunities on site and in the community. Communicate with Rev. Sue Pethoud, the Church and Community Relations Liaison.

Members: John G., Judy B., Bob D., Doug D., Karen N., Christine S., Danielle G., Jeannie H.

19. Have Prayer Will Travel

Have Prayer Will Travel: Go to different public areas and events and offer persons an opportunity to be prayed for “on location”.

20. Personal Cheer Squad

Personal Cheer Squad: Attend public school events such as youth sports, musical performances, and cultural events. Show up to support the youth in our community.

21. “Shorts and Sports”

“Shorts and Sports”: Provide funds for sporting equipment such as basketballs, volleyballs, and soccer balls for youth. Each distribution of equipment will culminate in a sports workshop/clinic.

22. Crossroads of Michigan

Crossroads of Michigan: A community volunteer organization which assists persons with different social, economic and personal challenges to live a safe, healthy, respectful, and productive life as a part of our community.

Members: Joe O., Gail P., Tim P., Mary Sue L.

23. Backpacks

Backpacks: Provide backpacks to elementary and junior high school kids with no seasonal restrictions. Backpacks will be purchased through solicitations with people outside of the church who sponsor the backpacks.

Members: Ralph C., Sali S., Trevor K.

24: Coats for Kids

Coats for Kids: Through solicitations with organizations, this group will purchase coats for the community. They will decide which type of coat to buy, what size, and what color.

25: Thank You Cookies

Thank You Cookies: Provide cookies as an offer of gratitude to public servants such as teachers, fire departments, waiters, etc. The cookies can be homemade, or store bought.

Pastor Carter explains all of the Mission/Ministry Beyond the Church opportunities.