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Youth Ministry

The Youth of Nardin Park are cherished deeply by all the generations of our church.

Our mission; Do Good, Show Love is the center of our Youth Group.

  • Youth Group: We meet monthly during the school year on Sundays, 12:30 to 2:30 pm in Park Place! Youth Group twice a month during the summer, same time and place as usual.
  • Missions: In recent years, we have participated in the Motown Mission, Henderson Settlement, and local outreach missions. Each summer there will be a Jr. High Mission Week. We sleep at the church and serve locally. For Sr. High, we participate in a week-long mission across the country to help the community.
  • Off-Campus Events: Occasionally, we will have off-campus events! These events include Movie Nights at the theater, Scavenger Hunts + serving locally. In order to participate in off-campus events, each youth attending will need to have their paperwork turned in (just in case of an emergency).
  • Paperwork: Please fill out the following Google Forms for your active youth member!

Confirmation visited and toured Temple Beth El on Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023 to learn about Judaism! Thanks to our tour guide, Laura, for sharing so much information about the Temple and how there are so many intersecting parts of United Methodism and Judaism! We stopped for a sweet treat and chat after! Please keep our Confirmands in your prayers as they continue their journey!

Youth Calendar of Activities

Martha Piesko – Director of Children and Youth Ministries

Ms. Martha is a retired early childhood educator and taught thirty years for Detroit Public Schools. She recently served at Orchard Lake Community, Presbyterian as a Director of Children's and Youth Ministries. Ms. Martha is currently pursing candidacy to be ordained as a deacon in the UMC!

Ms. Martha has one daughter named Julia who is a freshman in high school.  Julia loves ballet and is a member of the Macomb Ballet Company. Martha and her daughter share their home with their much loved dogs, Jingles and Penelope. Ms. Martha enjoys baking, cardmaking, floral arranging, and spending time with friends.

Please email Ms. Martha at mpiesko@npumc.org for more information or if you have any questions.

New Director of Youth + Children's Ministries 2024


Youth Ministry is only made possible with the help of volunteers like you. There are many ways to be involved, with different skill sets and different time commitments.  Contact Kristen to talk about how you might be involved.

ALL youth are welcome! If you have any questions about youth ministry please contact Ms. Martha by emailing mpiesko@npumc.org