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Operation Christmas Angel 2024

Operation Common Good has partnered with Farmington Youth Assistance to provide gifts to youth ages 10 through 18 years of age. Nardin Park has been one of their biggest supporters and they have again asked for our help. We committed to providing gifts for 30 youth this year.  This program will be called Operation Christmas Angel.

The process is simplified. Each recipient will receive 5 gifts; a sweatshirt, a pair of pajama pants, a $25 gift card, a $15 fast food gift card and a game or item of their choice.

The gifts need to be returned no later than Sunday, December 8th to Nardin Park. Please return gifts unwrapped and clearly labeled with the Angel number on the items.

Thank you, Nardin Park, for your generosity in making Christmas a little brighter for these youth!

Please contact Laura O. with questions.