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Changes to Worship COVID Protocols beginning Sunday, June 27th As our world once again shifts, and COVID case numbers continue to stay low, our protocols for worship have changed to ensure a safe and welcoming service for all. Please review the changes below. We look forward to seeing you in worship! 1. Masks are no longer required,…
Read MoreReserve a Spot! Dear Nardin Park Church Family, For those who wish to worship in person, we look forward to having you in our beautiful sanctuary during either or both of our Sunday morning worship services (9AM band-led and 11AM classical worship service), starting in June. We will also continue to livestream both worship services…
Read MoreDear Nardin Park Church Family and Friends, I write to update you on Nardin Park’s priorities and plans for this Fall and Advent/Christmas seasons. The COVID-19 Taskforce held a Zoom meeting on August 19 to discuss current building activities and the possibility of opening our building in the near term. The Taskforce’s top priority continues to be…
Read More24 masks (10 for kids, 14 for adults) are ready under the portico for those who need them! Please keep your distance or wait in your car if someone is there getting one. More are on the way as volunteers are working fast to provide masks for anyone in need of one.
Read MoreCovid-19 Update Dear Nardin Park Church Family & Friends, With Gov. Whitmer’s extension through May 15th of the stay at home order, the church building will remain closed. We will continue to have only essential staff in the building and to follow the Oakland County Health Department Protocols for buildings and businesses open during the…
Read MoreMasks for all are a part of the new normal and are now required to be worn in all buildings and public spaces. Here is how you can be a part of this new vital ministry: Fabric face masks with filter pockets Do you want to help provide masks for our congregation and community? We…
Read MoreLunch for our Neighborhood Kroger Employees The immediate neighborhood (at 11 mile and Middlebelt) around our church includes a Kroger grocery store where workers have been selflessly putting themselves on the line for our community providing food and essential supplies. We contacted Greg, one of the managers at this Kroger Store, and asked how…
Read MoreHere at Nardin Park Church we do not want to forget our mission to Do Good & Show Love, especially during this time. Thank you for the ways many of you are already helping your neighbors, family and friends. We want to make sure that our church family and our local community is cared for during…
Read MoreUPDATE: March 14, 2020: Building Closed Late yesterday we received a directive from our Michigan Conference Bishop, David Bard asking that all United Methodist Churches in Michigan cease in person worship, meetings and gatherings of any size through the end of March, 2020. This is all being done to try and slow the spread of…
Read MoreNews Regarding Coronavirus and Our Congregation: As a church community, we pray for all persons, communities, states, and nations impacted by the Coronavirus Disease 2019, or COVID-19. With active cases now being confirmed in Oakland County, we affirm our commitment to be in ministry together during this time when people feel an increased need for…
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